Breeding key to improving sustainability (Feb 23)
Article archive
On this page you'll find a selection of articles which have been published in CowManagement over the past few months.
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Genomic measure can help limit inbreeding (Feb 23)
Plan ahead when purchasing extenders (Feb 23)
Mind the forage gap (Feb 23)
Fertility focus key to herd efficiency (Feb 23)
Cold comfort (Jan 23)
Knowledge is key to navigating volatility (Jan 23)
Calf pneumonia – focus on housing (Jan 23)
Take early steps to mitigate maize risks (Jan 23)
Ukraine battles on to produce milk (Jan 23)
Tech needs to tick all the boxes (Jan 23)
Proven-sire performance matches genomic promise (Jan 23)
Johne’s control – it’s time to step up (Nov/Dec 22)
Three beef sires are better than one (Nov/Dec 22)
Fertility improvements drive herd performance (Nov/Dec 22)
Medicines review key to health planning process (Nov/Dec 22)
Big changes add strength to Scottish unit (Nov/Dec 22)
Producer-led vaccination project is up and running (Nov/Dec 22)
Vaccine added to scour-prevention armoury (Nov/Dec 22)
Keep calm - and put the kettle on (Nov/Dec 22)
Tune parlour routine to match herd requirements (Nov/Dec 22)
Cycling uphill (Oct 22)
Create a thriving calf environment (Oct 22)
Cool and breezy made easy (Oct 22)