Cross breeding ‘ticks all the boxes’ (June 24)
Article archive
On this page you'll find a selection of articles which have been published in CowManagement over the past few months.
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Index builds bright future for herd fertility (Feb 24)
Three-way breeding builds herd resilience (Jan 24)
Clear insight into genetic potential (Nov/Dec 23)
Fresh approach improves fertility performance (Oct 23)
Sire selection for ‘robot ready’ cows (May 23)
Precision breeding pays performance dividends (April 23)
Breeding key to improving sustainability (Feb 23)
Genomic measure can help limit inbreeding (Feb 23)
Proven-sire performance matches genomic promise (Jan 23)
Three beef sires are better than one (Nov/Dec 22)
Complete solution for high-performing heifers (Oct 22)
Reshuffles generate renewed interest (May 22)
Tech ‘sniffs out’ lower-emission genes (Feb 22)
High PLIs, but variable linears (Sept 2021)
Breeding for productivity – and the planet (Sept 2021)